- 约在9 点钟你看行吗? Would a 9 o'clock appointment be OK for you?
- 约在9点钟你看行吗? Will a 9 o'clock appointment be ok for you?
- 六、七点钟你看房顶上没一个放炮的。 No one fire a gun on the roof on six or seven clock.
- 点钟 o'clock
- 下注在9条赢钱线;多次点击将增加您所选择要下注的筹码数目 Bet on all 9 pay lines; click again to increase the number of coins bet per line
- 次日早晨,约在献祭的时候,有水从以东而来,遍地就满了水。 The next morning, about the time for offering the sacrifice, there it was-water flowing from the direction of Edom! And the land was filled with water.
- 你如果星期五两点钟有空的话,我非常乐于带你去游览那个地方。 If you're free at two o'clock on Friday, I shall he delighted to show yon around the place.
- 太二十9那些约在午后五时雇的来了,每个人都领了一个银币。 9 And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, they received each a denarius.
- 你看孩子们在运动场上乱冲乱跳。 See the children ramping about in the playground.
- 六点钟你能把信写完吗? Will you be able to finish the letter by six o'clock?
- 约在半夜,保罗和西拉祷告,唱诗赞美上帝,众囚犯也侧耳而听。 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.
- 几点钟 what time
- 你看了关于营救人质的文章了吗? Have you read the article about the rescue of the hostage?
- 徒十9第二天,他们行路将近那城的时候,约在正午,彼得上房顶去祷告。 9 And on the next day as they were journeying and drawing near to the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray around the sixth hour.
- 那只钟你可以信得过;它从不出差错。 You can go by that clock; it's never been wrong.
- 晚会在11点钟开始,1小时后就到了旧岁结束新年来临的午夜时分。 The party began at11 o'clock, an hour before the witching hour when the old year ended and the new began.
- 你一定要记住,到七点钟你才能离开。 You must remember not to leave until seven o'clock.
- 出9:18到明天约在这时候、必叫重大的冰雹降下、从埃及开国以来、有这样的冰雹。 Behold, to morrow about this time I will cause it to rain a very grievous hail, such as hath not been in Egypt since the foundation thereof even until now.
- 你看我们是不是该给她送点东西去吃? Don't you think we ought to take her some food?
- 要是八点钟你还不起床, 我就来敲你的门. If you're not up by eight o'clock I'll give you a knock, ie wake you by knocking at your door.